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  • $12.1 Million Verdict Awarded in Ohio Mesothelioma Lawsuit

$12.1 Million Verdict Awarded in Ohio Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Trial lawyers secured a total $12 million verdict on behalf of an 83-year-old Korean War veteran Robert Mitchell who contracted mesothelioma after years of working with asbestos-containing packing material.

Mitchell worked in the stock room at the Pfaudler Co. plant in Elyria, Ohio, for more than 40 years. His responsibilities included assisting in the shipping of specialized glass-coated steel bowls used in chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing. The work required spending several hours every week cutting rope packing with a band saw, which threw asbestos particles into the air. Despite the packing material's high concentration of blue crocidolite asbestos, Pfaudler was never warned of the potential dangers or advised on proper handling by Crane Packing Co. (now John Crane, Inc.), the material's manufacturer.

An Experienced Asbestos Attorney Can Make A Critical Difference in Obtaining Maximum Compensation

Since 1983, Nass Cancelliere has assisted thousands of asbestos victims from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and have collected over $100,000,000 in compensation for its clients. The firm has also been instrumental in changing many of the laws in Pennsylvania to help asbestos victims.

View a sampling of our jury verdicts and asbestos settlements.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or other asbestos related illness, speak with an attorney at Nass Cancelliere. Contact us online here or call 215-546-8200 to speak with an attorney directly.

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