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  • How Does a Dram Shop Law Affect a DUI Lawsuit?

How Does a Dram Shop Law Affect a DUI Lawsuit?

If you’ve been in an accident in Pennsylvania that was the fault of a drunk driver, you might be up against a difficult situation. Philadelphia motor vehicle accidents attorneys are well acquainted with the scenario ― the chronic drinker is more likely to carry only the minimal amount of state-mandated insurance, which may only cover $15,000 for your medical and rehabilitation expenses. Even if your own insurance covers a large percentage of your losses, the driver responsible for the accident cannot make up for deductibles and other uncovered expenses.

Pennsylvania’s “dram shop” law might be able to make up the difference. If the drunk driver was served excessive amounts of alcohol while already noticeably intoxicated, it is possible for the injured party to sue that bar or restaurant.

What are the insurance requirements of all drivers in Pennsylvania? Even if you were completely responsible in getting comprehensive coverage, a Philadelphia car accident lawyer may have to help you recover losses in your deductibles. PennDOT requires that all licensed drivers take some financial responsibility for operating a vehicle — therefore all drivers must have the following:

  • $5,000 of medical coverage for all persons injured in a crash
  • $5,000 of property damage liability
  • $30,000 for medical and rehabilitation expenses for all persons in the accident

Because a serious car crash can cause $1,000,000 or more in losses, this coverage can easily be inadequate. [ln::firm_name]., based in Philadelphia, is a firm of attorneys with experience in auto injuries and determining third-party liability, such as through dram shop statutes. The firm also has offices in Media, Pennsylvania and Westmont, New Jersey.

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