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  • Top Five Myths about Mesothelioma

Top Five Myths about Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma isn’t as common or well-known as other cancers. Because of that, research suffers from lack of funding and public understanding of the disease is sketchy. There are many myths about the disease that should be laid to rest.

Mesothelioma will disappear as asbestos use dwindles. A study by the National Institutes of Health shows that since 1994, the rate of mesothelioma has actually been constant among men. The rate for women has not changed for decades.

Asbestos is banned. Even though for the most part, asbestos is no longer used in commercial products there is a risk of exposure from old construction materials, there is a risk of mesothelioma. And it doesn’t matter how long ago the product was made or handled. The disease can manifest up to 60-70 years after exposure.

Asbestos is a new threat. The dangers of asbestos have been known for at least 135 years . By the late 1960s, tort lawsuits were being filed by the victims and families of victims. Today, these lawsuits continue to be filed as long-ago exposure begins causing illness.

Your employer is gone, so you can't sue. The company responsible for your exposure declared bankruptcy and can’t provide compensation? Wrong, in many cases. Bankruptcy laws have been altered to create trust funds to pay claims related to asbestos exposure. An experienced attorney who understands the legal nuances can successfully recover damages.

It's too hard to get companies to pay up. Experience counts in mesothelioma lawsuits. From the first meeting with your attorney, through discovery and trial, the single goal of your former employer is to avoid paying you what you deserve. The law is complex, with dozens of precedent-setting cases to know, understand and use for your advantage. It’s no place for legal neophytes or experts in other areas of litigation. But an experienced mesothelioma lawyer can win your case.

In the past quarter century, [ln::firm_name] has settled thousands of such cases with 500 or more going to jury. In the end, our firm has been responsible for recovering millions for victims and their families. We are not a firm that signs up clients and refers the case to associates in a far-away place. We are local asbestos attorneys, and we handle each case from start to finish.

If you would like more information, please call an experienced asbestos lawyer at 855.546.4600 or visit our website, Asbestos Answers Now.

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